The world's most robust IoT connectivity management platform is here.

From Network Access to Data subscription to Device management, experience the power of the seamless IoT connectivity enablement.

Why Cavli Hubble ?

For a multitude of businesses across industries, the internet of things is the answer to how they can optimize some of their key business processes and make life easy for their internal & external stakeholders. At the same time for a whole lot of new entrants, IoT has been ingrained into their business models defining their revenue model & customer experience.

With Cavli Hubble, we hope to serve both enterprises as well as new-age Smart Product makers effectively, so that they get to launch their IoT projects in the most seamless, secure & cost-effective manner possible, anywhere on the globe.

Please find below the capabilities of Cavli Hubble organized into a list of key features. Download the Cavli Hubble Marketing Brochure to read about the business benefits of onboarding on Cavli Hubble.

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Key Features


Module orchestration & monitoring

Quick, seamless onboarding of devices to cloud with device management capabilities to monitor over 40+ critical parameters and control over 10+ parameters of the deployed devices across the globe in real-time.


Intelligent remote eSIM provisioning

Intelligent local profile provisioning capability across boundaries. Hassle-free local connectivity enablement and no roaming fees.


Over-the-air (OTA) Updates

Life cycle management of deployed devices with over-the-air updates & installs for firmware/application software/AT Commands with best-in-class security to mitigate device vulnerabilities.


Application Data routing

An “always-on” MQTT broker service that lets IoT solution makers manage their application data at scale.


IoT Data Subscription management

Create custom data plans or subscribe to pre-set plans and connect to over 180 local networks across the globe for LPWAN, LTE & 5G* access


Web Service API

Enable API & cloud connectors to easily bring full suite IoT connectivity management capabilities to Application platforms.


Module and eSIM Life Cycle Management

Manage customer deployments from device provisioning & activation to suspension & termination all from single window access. Monitor data consumption and set custom alerts.


Best in Class Security

GSMA SGP.02 version 3.2 SAS certified remote subscription management platform ensures secure onboarding, provisioning, and Over-The-Air updates.

Cavli Hubble is tightly coupled to Cavli smart modules by a proprietary layer of software that runs on the module which we have christened 'Hubble Stack'. Hubble Stack enables Cavli Hubble to have absolute control over the millions of Cavli smart modules deployed around the globe - from remote diagnostics & debugging to over-the-air firmware updates/installations to network provisioning & subscription management.


Global Access. Local Network

Cavli Hubble’s network access provisioning system ensures that any product maker or enterprise in any industry can easily build, connect, and scale their IoT solutions to any geography in the world. Cavli’s data agreements with telecom operators across the globe, enable our business customers to scale without having to worry about network SLAs & downtime.

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Cavli Hubble

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